Tuesday 27 March 2012


                              Handwriting of Poet Grace.
गेली ४५ वर्षे मराठी कवितेच्या प्रांगणात  अधिराज्य गाजवणारे कवी ग्रेस ..एक विलक्षण आणि अदभुत शब्द सामर्थ्य  लाभलेला कवी  हातात पारा ठेवावा तशी एकेक कविता देत
काल इहलोकीची यात्रा  संपवून निघून गेले. चटकन हाती  लागणारी आणि कविता कळली असे वाटत असतानाच भूल देउन निघून जाणाऱ्या कविता लिहिणाऱ्या ह्या अदभुत कवीचे "अक्षर " आपल्या संग्रहात असावा ही माझी इच्छा . जगासाठी कायमची " I am free but  unavailable "  अशी दाराबाहेर पाटी लावणाऱ्या ह्या कवीने मात्रमाझ्या छंदासाठीआनंदाने. माझ्यासाठी, स्वतच्या हस्ताक्षरात लिहिलेले " अक्षरचांदणभेट दिले.

आजच्या कॅलिग्राफिसाठी निवडलेल्या त्यांच्या ह्या गीताला नरेंद्र भिडे ह्यांनी संगीत दिले असून हृषिकेश रानडे ह्यांनी गायिले आहे.

Today's calligraphic tribute to well known marathi Poet " Grace" who passes away at Pune. Last 45 years he gave lot of beautiful poems ,acclaimed for his experimentation with poetic form, Grace was considered a path breaking Marathi poet of his times. I was curious to see his handwrittings. Though he put the board for the world as "He is free but Unavailable" , he fulfilled my wish and gave a touching poem in his own handwriting .This is priceless gift for me...
Today's calligraphic tribute to his  poem " Tya Wyakul Sandhyasamayi" which is sung by Hrishesh Ranade and composed by Narendra Bhide. 


  1. Likhanasobatch tyanch Aksharahi kiti kalatmak hot....grttttttt hote Grace kharach...

  2. Too Good. Which type of pen or instrument you use? I am also interested in marathi calligraphy. Would you please let me know?

  3. Grace is always grate....!!! ani limaye sir tumhi shabdanche "SHILPAKAR"..!!!!
